When your body feels “off”, it impacts your entire life.
It’s difficult to focus at work. It’s challenging to be present with your loved ones, or find the energy to pursue your goals.
You don’t feel like your best self.
Let’s take a breath. You are in the right place.
At Zócalo Wellness care is rooted in compassion, gentleness, and a strong commitment to inclusivity and diversity, because good health shouldn’t be a luxury for only a few. The "Zócalo" is the center of a community, a Spanish word for the town square and gathering place. Our Zócalo is a gathering place for healing, where self-care becomes community care.
It’s time to reclaim your right to rest and heal.

Adrianna Locke,
Licensed Acupuncturist
Hello there!
I’m Adrianna Locke, licensed acupuncturist and steward of Zócalo Wellness, based in Portland, OR.
Healing is my purpose.
Building community is my passion.
The Word for the Year is Community
Dear Community, As we witness the policy agenda of our new US government this past week, many of us are experiencing big feelings of overwhelm, fear, anger, despair, numbness, disconnection from our bodies or our life, and disorientation.
Read More Making Care Affordable
In Oregon acupuncture is considered an essential health benefit. That means the state has required that every insurance plan cover at least 12 visits per year. This was first instituted in 2021 and is an amazing support in helping people address chronic pain and the opioid crisis, which continues to ravage Oregon and beyond. …
Read More Community Acupuncture
In a chaotic world we need places and spaces for recharge. Without this, stress, grief and tension accumulate in our bodies and make it hard to function mentally and physically. That is why we are now offering community acupuncture at Zócalo Wellness with our newest practitioner, lara pacheco.
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