The Word for the Year is Community

Dear Community, As we witness the policy agenda of our new US government this past week, many of us are experiencing big feelings of overwhelm, fear, anger, despair, numbness, disconnection from our bodies or our life, and disorientation.

Making Care Affordable

  UPDATE: Due to low utilization, we have discountinued our community/group acupuncture offering for the time being. You can find group acupuncture at Working Class Acupuncture, White Phoenix Acupuncture, and Montavilla Community Acupuncture.  In Oregon acupuncture is considered an essential health benefit. That means the state has required that every insurance plan cover at least …

Making Care Affordable

Community Acupuncture

  In a chaotic world we need places and spaces for recharge. Without this, stress, grief and tension accumulate in our bodies and make it hard to function mentally and physically. That is why we are now offering community acupuncture at Zócalo Wellness with our newest practitioner, lara pacheco.